1 Data Protection Notice

Bosch Security Systems BV (hereinafter "Bosch" or "We" or "Us") is delighted about your visit to our internet pages and mobile applications (together also referred to as "Online Offers") and about your interest in our company and our products.

2 Bosch respects your privacy

The protection of your privacy throughout the course of processing personal data as well as the security of all business data is an important concern to us. We process personal data that was gathered during your visit of our Online Offers confidentially and only in accordance with statutory regulations.

Data protection and information security are included in our corporate policy.

3 Controller

Bosch is the controller responsible for the processing of your data; exceptions are outlined in this data protection notice.

Our contact details are as follows:

4 Collection, processing and usage of personal data

4.1 Processed categories of data The following categories of data are processed:

* Communication data (e.g. name, telephone, e-mail, address, IP address)
* Client history
* Transaction data

4.2 Principles Personal data consists of all information related to an identified or identifiable natural person, this includes, e.g. names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, contractual master data, contract accounting and payment data, which is an expression of a person's identity.

4.3 Processing purposes and legal basis We as well as the service providers commissioned by us process your personal data for the following processing purposes: 4.3.1 Free offer without registration

- Provision of these Online Offers (Legal basis: Justified interest on our part in direct marketing as long as this occurs in accordance with data protection and competition law)
- Resolving service disruptions as well as for security reasons. (Legal basis: Fulfillment of our legal obligations within the scope of data security and legitimate interest in resolving service disruptions as well as in the protection of our offers).
- Safeguarding and defending our rights (Legal basis: Legitimate interest on our part for safeguarding and defending our rights).

4.4 Registration If you wish to use or get access to benefits requiring to enter into the fulfillment of a contract, we request your registration. With your registration we collect personal data necessary for entering into the fulfillment of the contract (e.g. first name, last name, date of birth, email address, if applicable, details on the preferred payment method or on the account holder) as well as further data on voluntary basis, if applicable. Mandatory information is marked with an *.

4.5 Children This Online Offer is not meant for children under 16 years of age.

4.6 Data transfer 4.6.1 Data transfer to other controllers Principally, your personal data is forwarded to other controllers only if required for the fulfillment of a contractual obligation, or if we ourselves, or a third party, have a legitimate interest in the data transfer, or if you have given your consent. Particulars on the legal basis and the recipients or categories of recipients can be found in the Section – Processing purposes and legal basis.

+ Additionally, data may be transferred to other controllers when we are obliged to do so due to statutory regulations or enforceable administrative or judicial orders.

4.6.2 Service providers (general)
We involve external service providers with tasks such as sales and marketing services, contract management, payment handling, programming, data hosting and hotline services. We have chosen those service providers carefully and monitor them on a regular basis, especially regarding their diligent handling of and protection of the data that they store. All service providers are obliged to maintain confidentiality and to comply with the statutory provisions. Service providers may also be other Bosch group companies.

4.7 Duration of storage; retention periods Principally, we store your data for as long as it is necessary to render our Online Offers and connected services or for as long as we have a legitimate interest in storing the data (e.g. we might still have a legitimate interest in postal mail marketing after fulfillment of our contractual obligations). In all other cases we delete your personal data with the exception of data we are obliged to store for the fulfillment of legal obligations (e.g. due to retention periods under the tax and commercial codes we are obliged to have documents such as contracts and invoices available for a certain period of time).

5 Usage of our mobile applications

In addition to our Online Offers, we offer mobile applications ("Apps"), which you can download to your mobile device. Beyond the data collected on websites, we collect additional personal data through our apps that specifically result from the usage of a mobile device. This is subject to your prior consent.

5.1 Data processing by App Store operators We do not collect data, and it is beyond our responsibility, when data, such as username, email address and individual device identifier are transferred to an app store (e.g., Google Play by Google, App Store by Apple, Galaxy Apps Store by Samsung) when downloading the respective application. We are unable to influence this data collection and further processing by the App Store as controller.

5.2 Data processing by Microsoft For continuous improvement, we need statistical information about the usage of our applications. For this purpose, we use the "Windows Desktop Application Program" analysis tool from Microsoft. We use the "Windows Desktop Application Program" for failure analyses and improvements of our applications. We are unable to influence data collection and further processing by Microsoft.

Our Online Offers may contain links to internet pages of third parties, in particular providers who are not related to us. Upon clicking on the link, we have no influence on the collecting, processing and use of personal data possibly transmitted by clicking on the link to the third party (such as the IP address or the URL of the site on which the link is located) as the conduct of third parties is naturally beyond our control. We do not assume responsibility for the processing of personal data by third parties.

7 Security

Our employees and the companies providing services on our behalf, are obliged to confidentiality and to compliance with the applicable data protection laws.

We take all necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure an appropriate level of security and to protect your data that are administrated by us especially from the risks of unintended or unlawful destruction, manipulation, loss, change or unauthorized disclosure or unauthorized access. Our security measures are, pursuant to technological progress, constantly being improved.

8 User rights

To enforce your rights, please use the details provided in the Contact section. In doing so, please ensure that an unambiguous identification of your person is possible.

8.1 Right to lodge complaint with supervisory authority: You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. You can appeal to the supervisory authority which is responsible for your place of residence or your state of residence or to the supervisory authority responsible for us. This is:

9 Changes to the Data Protection Notice

We reserve the right to change our security and data protection measures. In such cases, we will amend our data protection notice accordingly. Please, therefore, notice the current version of our data protection notice, as this is subject to changes.

10 Contact

If you wish to contact us, please find us at the address stated in the "Controller" section.

To assert your rights and to notify data protection incidents please use the following link: https://www.bkms-system.net/bosch-dataprotection

For suggestions and complaints regarding the processing of your personal data we recommend that you contact our data protection officer:

11 Information to be provided to data subjects in accordance with Art. 13 GDPR - JOINT CONTROLLERS

As the party responsible for SingleKey ID, Bosch.IO GmbH exercises joint responsibility, together with third parties responsible for the application(s) you use, for the processing of your data in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation and national data protection laws. In accordance with Art. 26 of the GDPR (Joint controllers), we have agreed in writing to exercise joint responsibility for data processing. In particular, we have determined and agreed upon the responsibilities and liabilities of the parties involved. For detailed information on individual processing operations, please refer to the data protection notice of Bosch.IO GmbH and the information sheet on data processing available at Data Protection Policy.

Effective date: 02.06.2020

Last update: 08.03.2024